Student Council
The purpose:
• By supporting and further developing democracy as a way of life
• By involving students in meaningful, purpose-oriented activities
• By helping each student develop a sincere regard for law and order appropriate to this democratic society
• By leading each individual in developing a sense of personal responsibility and earned self respect
• By example through teaching the processes and procedures of a democracy
• By encouraging desirable attitudes and the continuous upward development of valued patterns of good citizenship
• By providing a forum for student opinions, interests and desires so these may be understood by the entire student body, faculty, administration and community
• By honestly reflecting and interpreting the student viewpoint
• By contributing to the total educational growth of all students in the school
• By encouraging highest standards of scholarship and positive student involvement in learning and thinking
• By providing experience in genuine problem-solving procedures
• By providing training and experiences in the skills and techniques of good citizenship and leadership to prepare articulate citizens and leaders for a progressing society
• By providing young people with the power and right to speak and, especially, the power, right and privilege of being heard by those in authority
• By avoiding the commercial or cultural exploitation of students
• By providing coordination of school-sponsored student activities with constant evaluation in terms of the selected purposes
• By promoting opportunities for leadership among student body members
• By utilizing the ideas and support of students in solving relevant school problems
• By helping create harmonious relationships among faculty, administration, student body and the community
• By providing organized services to the school in the interest of the general welfare
• By communicating purposes, activities and the other positive elements of school life through mass media to the entire community
• By helping young people further realize the genius and dignity of each individual
• By sparking school loyalty, pride, patriotism and individual student development
• By providing real experiences in group development and human understandings
• By helping students earn and protect individual rights and responsibilities
• By selecting projects and activities which seek to achieve purposes which are significant in the life of the school community
• By giving young people deeper reasons for attending school and the stimulus for developing commitments to worthy goals
• By helping each student reach maximum educational growth and development